Sunday, December 30, 2012


Thanks for finding your way to my little space here on the internet. I'm not entirely sure what all I will be writing here, but hopefully I will be keeping it updated!

I'm a writer, you see. I've written a little erotic romance novella for a lovely publishing company, Siren-Bookstrand, which will be out sometime in February of next year. The name I write under is Mary K. Preston--not my real name, but that's how you can think of me.

There is an interesting coincidence about my nom de plume, which bears mentioning, I suppose; one of my favorite artists, Elliott Smith, has a song called "Pretty Mary K," which is a beautiful song. It's not the inspiration for my name, but I was almost named "Mary Katherine" (Mary K), before my parents settled on the name they gave me (I won't be sharing it here).

Music is one of my biggest inspirations in life and in writing, so expect to hear a lot from me about it. Anyone who knows me at all can tell you that at least one of their conversations with me has centered on music.

I reckon that I will be writing about music, and writing about writing here--so if you're interested in keeping up to date with my writing shenanigans and hearing me whine and rhapsodize about songs I'm listening to, I'll try and keep you entertained.

Welcome again!

Mary K

Update:the video I linked before isn't up anymore, so I removed it. You can find both versions of "Pretty Mary K" on YouTube/Spotify/Pandora/etc.

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